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Dear miss America:

Acting body of government you can and should no longer continue to anger people. Within the US people cannot be angered any further without causing violence against establishments. Most in congress are so out of touch with other citizens it has moved passed the limits of mental ways to suppress emotions of anger. I believe 2 thirds of citizens saw what has been called a attack on our constitutional what ever it is being called now thought it was about time, like 2 3rds of the people were so tired of not being able to do anything of value within the republic of the US and its leadership that some extreme frustration was starting to be released. Please make no assumptions about me here are my goals.


Trying to save the world and the universe from my computer at home and everywhere else. You can help. They need us. We need you. Try what you know and do what you can. Best Luck today women men and others.


Please again try not and make assumptions do you not know? Me. I value life, peace, hope, and freedom with love. Please plant the seeds from the food you eat in ground to grow. They are life and a child to my daughter. You never know who's mouth you might feed if we are allowed to eat food in the future.


To point out a few mistakes.


1 Fighting words were written onto paper then singed and kept as founding words for America. The 10 commandments were not enough. It could be advised to burn the original documentation to prevent bloodshed.


II' I am concerned amendments after triggered by the fighting words by violating the signed and agreed to constitutional rights. At least 1-10 and those were taught even to me in school also. I don't know how many but were told to start fighting the government if it happened. For abusing their powers.


Three; I could and am saying human right abuses but will leave that in later parts to include world anger.


For: Due to restrictions by actions of federal and state policies for example . Mental extremes have been inflicting mass trauma to our life. (The need to defend others and ourselves) People have found other more dangerous ways and some do so with extreme hate for life because of these actions. Please assume the rest for yourselves refer to the constitution.


5 failure to communicate between population and government. 6. Not having enough good simple ways to contact leaders. 7. Censorship 8. Gross misuse and clasifiation of knowledge gathered by and for the people.


  1. Only nine commandments left maybe? Due to natural causes and a new life has become a new form like time. Well try the pope and other leaders though about him currently or the tablets and Moses is now a cat I guess.


Well here we are with more of the world now.


Go ask of the far the numbers of Innocent US casualties.


Go ask about how other places view the number of wars the US is and was involved in.


Go ask about how much destruction was caused to homes and peaceful places in other parts of the world from US lead wars.


Listen to people about family members who were lost to them during all the fighting the US was a part of and think about what you would due if it happened here in the US and know they are out there still and could be here.


Free thought and the expression of it will always be defended. EVERYWHERE!



Ok now I want to ask the US a question. I need to let my friends go for a walk is the US ok? Their not pets I love them. Their names are...


King Godzilla Kong____________________

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